Ngā Pōtiki ki uta. Ngā Pōtiki ki tai.
Our Organisation:
Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust is a post-settlement governance entity that exists to administer the assets for, and on behalf of Ngā Pōtiki.
The Trust does so for the benefit of the present and future generations of Ngā Pōtiki.
Our Rohe:
Our rohe runs along the coast from Parakiri (Ōmanu Beach) to Wairākei and extends in a straight line inland to Kōpūāroa, Ōtawa maunga, Te Kaiate Stream, follows Te Awa o Waitao (and catchments) directly across to Ōruamatua and to Kainohu (Te Manga) and back to Parakiri on the coast. The area is inclusive of Ōtara maunga and Te Rae o Pāpāmoa.
Our Values:
Key values that underpin our organisation are:
- Rangatiratanga (leadership)
- Whanaungatanga (relationships)
- Manaakitanga (caring for others)
- Kaitiakitanga (stewardship of assets)
Mai Hawaiki ki Hawaiki – The Ngā Pōtiki Settlement Journey:
In 1998 a group of our Ngā Pōtiki whānau met in response to an announcement that the Waitangi Tribunal intended to hear historic claims from Tauranga Moana.
The group morphed into the Ngā Pōtiki Claims Committee, which quickly took responsibility for organising and managing the Ngā Pōtiki Claim (WAI 717) on behalf of our Ngā Pōtiki people. The Claim was launched as if a waka taua, with all the accompanying traditional ritual, intended to set the Ngā Pōtiki Teaty Claim on course as a sacred journey.
In 1999 Ngā Pōtiki hosted the first of the Tauranga Moana Hearings at Mangatawa Marae, which were held over a two-week period. Many of our people were encouraged to participate by sharing their evidence to the tribunal itself concerning the historic and contemporary consequences of the repeated breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi by the Crown. Our whānau recalled the pain of colonisation and spoke of a lack of opportunity while looking to the future with optimism.
In its report released 10 years later, the Waitangi Tribunal found the Crown had repeatedly breached the Treaty of Waitangi, which eventually culminated in the signing of the Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Pōtiki Deed of Settlement in December 2013, with the effect of resolving all historical grievances against the Crown.
The Deed of Settlement established the Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust as the post-settlement governance entity (PSGE) of Ngā Pōtiki iwi (clause 1.14) for the purpose of administering certain Crown assets transferred into the trust’s ownership. It further defines that Ngā Pōtiki is not a hapū of Ngāi Te Rangi (clause 8.6). The Deed, which is currently waiting to be legislated in the New Zealand Parliament, renders Ngā Pōtiki as the Crown’s Treaty Partner with respect to Ngā Pōtiki interests.
The Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngā Pōtiki Claims Bill is presently on hold. As Ngā Pōtiki is coupled with Ngāi Te Rangi under the Deed, the Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust is denied the full benefits of its settlement. It was the foresight of the Ngā Pōtiki Trustees however, who successfully sought and were granted early release of the 27 Ha Te Hou Hou Block prior to dispute.
Once bare land, Te Houhou has been dramatically transformed into the prestigious Manawa residential development. This is just one of many initiatives Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust has launched with the aim of creating opportunities for Ngā Pōtiki and repositioning our people to fully realise the dreams and aspirations of our forebears for our future generations.
Kia marama taku titiro ki Tauranga
Ko Rangihouhiri, ko Ranginui
Kei Rangataua, ko Tamapahore
Ngā pāpaka o Rangataua
He paruparu te kai
He taniwha ngā tāngata
Keenly I look across to Tauranga
There dwells Te Rangihouhiri and Ranginui
Over at Te Tahuna o Rangataua dwells Tamapahore
The crabs of Rangataua
They eat mud
And have the boldness of demigods
A history of innovation
The principle Ngā Pōtiki settlement up until the early 20th century was located at the foot of Mangatawa. The settlement of Karikari flourished around a successful cattle and sheep farming enterprise that produced wool, as well as maize, wheat, oats, kūmara and potatoes on a commercial scale.
It was here that a culture of innovation emerged.
In November 1875, the Bay of Plenty Times visited Karikari and reported the manufacture of an array of horse-drawn machinery including threshing machines, harrows, ploughs and gigs, as well as the construction of whale boats and “two small yachts of about five tons each” that were going to be used to export produce.
Karikari was sufficiently wealthy and could easily cater for a visit from Tāwhiao, the second Māori King, in June 1887. Tāwhiao arrived at the head of a delegation of some 300 supporters from Waikato Tainui.
“Food was served up for the visitors, which consisted of beef, pork, potatoes, and kumara, and the way in which the food was prepared was worth seeing,” reported the Bay of Plenty Times on June 22, 1887.
“The exact amount of food cooked at Kari Kari for Tawhiao and party was: 3 head of cattle, 24 pigs, and 54 kits of potatoes (say 5 tons); 10 cases of biscuits were also disposed of, besides sugar, tea, etc.”
In 1894, Ngā Pōtiki leader Wi Parera Tarakiteawa oversaw the erection of a large house at Karikari named Tamapahore. It was opened in 1896 by the third Māori King, Mahuta Tāwhiao, in the presence of Te Kooti Arikirangi, prophet and founder of the Ringatū faith. The house was 50ft by 20ft, of weatherboard construction, and featured two large stained-glass windows at each end, reflecting the wealth of the village.
In 1901, Wi Parera, Eruera Te Tauhou, Te Awanui and other Ngā Pōtiki leaders successfully petitioned the Native Land Court to partition the Mangatawa Reserve out of the No. 2 Pāpāmoa Block for the exclusive ownership of Ngā Pōtiki whānau.
Karikari fell into decline after 1900. This was accelerated by the individualisation of land title policies imposed by the Crown, and the subsequent movement of whānau to retain Tahuwhakatiki, which was closer to the Tauranga/Te Puke highway and enabled easier access to the newly established Pāpāmoa Native School and the Pāpāmoa Creamery at Wharō (Taranaki Lane). This is where Tahuwhakatiki is located.
In 1957, the Mangatawa Reserve, comprising of multiple and small uneconomic land interests, was consolidated into the Mangatawa Incorporation, which represented a reversal of the previous colonial government policy of individualisation of land titles.
More than 60 years later, the Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation is recognised as a leading-edge Māori-owned business in Tauranga that manages a diverse property investment and agribusiness portfolio on behalf of some 400 shareholders.
For more information visit Mangatawa Papamoa Blocks Incorporation.
Other smaller commercial enterprises owned by Ngā Pōtiki whānau located across Kairua and Waitao and are also actively engaged in commercial horticulture, supplying kiwifruit and avocados to the international market.
Ngā Pōtiki ā Tamapahore Trust builds on this legacy of innovation and works in partnership with the Mangatawa Pāpāmoa Blocks Incorporation and other Ngā Pōtiki land trusts to create new and exciting futures for Ngā Pōtiki whānau.
Traditional Ngā Pōtiki tribal area

Two slightly different descriptions of the Ngā Pōtiki Tribal Estate were presented by tūpuna appearing before the Native Land Court during the 19th century.
“Kua whakataua ki a Ngāpotiki te poraka whenua katoa e mau nei Ngā rohe. Ka timata ki Parakiri ki te taha o te moana maro tonu te raina ki Kainohu ki Tauranga moana, ka haere ra te taha o te wai o Tauranga moana ka tae ki te puaha o Waitao awa, ka tika ki roto ki Waitao awa, tae ki Kaiate awa, ka tika ki roto ki Kaiate awa, tae ki te wahanga ki Owairoa awa, hei reira ke maro te raina ki Te Whare o Tarakeho (teihana ruri) maro tonu atu te haere o tana raina tae atu ki te kotinga mai o te rohe o Awa ki Waitao (No.1) Hei reira ka haere whakaterawhiti ki runga ki taua rana tae ki Kopukairoa, a, ra te raina o te rohe i tangohia e te Kawanatanga, a, puta ki te moana ki Wairakei, a, ra te taha moana tae rawa ki te timatanga ra ano ki Parakiri.”
And, “Commences at the mouth of Wairakei river, and goes onto Te Kao, Ohinetiraha, Te Atuaroa, Motungarara, Waikoropupu, Omarama, and Otara, then goes along on top of a hill into a bush thence to Mangamauku, Te Takapau, Tunatarewa, Te Rahuikaraka and Omawakewaeaute, then turns towards the West and goes onto Te Houroa, Waihau, Otamatera, Omahe, Te Waimanu, Te Kopura, Tamuretahi, Te Mauku, Turangaranui, Te Waipuna, Wharataeturi and Te Papaki, then turns toward the East and goes on to Te Wai____aoa____ Te Ruateapiki, Waioraka, Te Hungatoroa, Te Ruakopih__, Ranginui, Te Ruakaramea then on to the Te Kara river, thence to Te Tokitoki, Ohututaihe, Te Pono, __Kawa and goes along to the road to Te Parakiri thence up to Wairakei”.
Crown surveys carried out during the late 1800s generally follow traditional boundaries (referred to as the Papamoa Block). Some of these lands i.e. Papamoa No.1 Block was retained by Crown and the balance awarded to 106 named Ngā Pōtiki individuals.
All Ngā Pōtiki landholdings literally whakapapa back to Papamoa No. 2 and Papamoa No. 3 Blocks. Mangatawa was set aside as a reserve for Ngā Pōtiki following hearings before the Native Land Court in 1901.
Some of these lands i.e. Papamoa No.1 Block was retained by Crown and the balance awarded to 106 named Ngā Pōtiki individuals. Mangatawa was set aside as a reserve for Ngā Pōtiki following hearings before the Native Land Court in 1901.