We are committed to advancing the educational development of Ngā Pōtiki iwi, as agreed with the Crown in our Treaty settlement signed on December 14, 2013.
We have a comprehensive strategy that calls for a pipeline approach to achieving that goal. Here is a summary of the Ngā Pōtiki Education Strategy.
A key goal of ours is to collaborate with the Crown to drive up Māori educational success, in alignment with the Ministry of Education’s policy documents: Ka Awatea – Accelerating Māori Success (2013-2017), Ka Hikitia (2018-2022), Whakapūmautia, Papakōwhaitia, Tau ana – Grasp, Embrace and Realise, and Tātaiako – Cultural Competencies for Teachers of Māori Learners.
We collaborate with all Pāpāmoa schools, including Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ōtepou, to support overall educational achievement in Pāpāmoa. This is aligned with the Ministry of Education’s Kāhui Ako policy, in the interest of all learners.
‘The provision of educational opportunities specific to the needs of Ngā Pōtiki is underpinned by a pipeline approach, starting at early childhood, to compulsory and post-compulsory education, leading to workforce development, in parallel with the revitalisation of te reo Māori.’
Current projects. Ngā kaupapa kei te haere.
A Tāne-nui-a-Rangi. I pikitia ai. Ki te Rangi-tuhaha. Ki Tihi-i-manono
Whao: Wharekura
The establishment of a dual-medium secondary designated character school.
The school would cater to students from Year 7 through to Year 13, would be dual medium (Māori and English), would have a strong focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) subjects, as well as marine/maritime education, and Ngā Pōtikitanga. This designated character school would prepare young Māori for life in the rapidly growing and sophisticated economy of the ‘Golden Triangle’ of Tauranga, Hamilton and Auckland, while maintaining their individual tribal identity.
In 2019, Ngā Pōtiki submitted a proposal to establish the dual-medium secondary designated character school to the Ministry of Education. Ngā Pōtiki is currently in discussions with Ministry officials to progress the development of the school.
Whaowhaotia ngā whakairo ā o mātua tīpuna
Whao: Te Ipukarea o Ngā Pōtiki – Ngā Pōtiki Resource Archive
A centralised collection of Ngā Pōtiki resources, including but not exclusive to: whakapapa, pakiwaitara, toi, hītori, ororongo and konae ataata. Accessible to Ngā Pōtiki uri, Te Ipukarea o Ngā Pōtiki will be a library supporting our people in the acquisition of traditional knowledge.
We are currently preparing a detailed proposal to fund the creation of this resource.
Ki te whei ao, ki ao marama
Whao: Ki te Ao Marama
The Ki te Ao Mārama Programme was launched in 2019 and was delivered by Ngā Pōtiki under contract to the Ministry of Education. The programme has been hugely successful, and delivered Kathryn Bluett, Ngakohu Papuni and Francean McCall. This programme has involved all Pāpāmoa schools, with a focus on Māori learners.